Halloween and Scary Letters

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Nothing quite sends a shiver to the corner office as fast as a letter from a governmental agency. It’s rarely good news. More often than not, it’s the opening round for big trouble ahead….

The “official” letter may advise that an employee, or former employee, has filed a workplace discrimination charge with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) or with the Florida Commission on Human Relations (“FCHR”).  Or, the letter may be from the U.S. Department of Labor advising of a wage and hour claim. Or, the letter may be from the National Labor Relations Board advising employees are seeking union representation.

If you are the HR manager who has the dubious honor of delivering the letter to the CEO and then explaining why bad stuff happened on your watch, it’s going to be a long day.

As strategic Orlando, Florida, Human Resources consultants and business advisors, we have seen all these letters and the high costs to organizations. That’s why we believe strong training systems in legal compliance are such a critical component of successful enterprises in today’s environment….Unfortunately, some folks just don’t get it or wait until way too late.   

Halloween is fun, scary letters are not.

May your Halloween be letter-free!


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