Job Descriptions: The HR Manager’s Best Friends

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We know….It’s often difficult to get managers to sit down and write a current job description for each of his/her employees. However, with a little HR coaching, this process should not be a painful ordeal.

And well developed job descriptions are truly among the HR Manager’s best friends. Have a Worker’s Comp claim? The doctors will refer to the job description to determine whether the employee can return to work. Have an ADA issue regarding reasonable accomodation? The job description will state the physical and mental reqirements for the job. Have a wage-hour issue? The job description will guide as to whether the employee is exempt or non-exempt.  It goes on and on….Well developed job descriptions are one of the bedrock foundations at any “Best Practices” company.

As strategic Orlando, Florida, Human Resources consultants and business advisors one of the first questions we ask when meeting a new client is the status of job descriptions.

Do your HR Manager a favor: assist in getting your job descriptions in order. There will come a time when you’ll be happy you did.



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