Florida Restaurant pays on Harassment and Retaliation Lawsuit

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Think it can’t happen here?

The owner/operator of a Hurricane Grill and Wings restaurant in Royal Palm Beach, FL, just agreed to stroke a check for $200,000 to settle a sexual harassment lawsuit that had been filed by the U.S. Equal Employment Commission (“EEOC”) alleging the restaurant had allowed female servers to be grabbbed and sexually harassed by a male customer.  Further, the EEOC alleged the restaurant had fired one of the servers after management learned she had hired a private attorney to assist her in filing an EEOC charge.

Sexual harassment and retaliation for complaining about it violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

As strategic Orlando, Florida, Human Resources consultants and business advisors, we highly recommend training to keep the management team up to speed on these workplace issues. $200,000 is how many wings?



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